OSCE Nurses Manchester | An IELTS Medical Website

Would you like a

3.5, 4, 5 or 7-day NMC OSCE Course?

Select A Course

NMC Adult OSCE 3.5 Days + Extra Sessions

  • Pre-course session: We start each NMC OSCE course with a 4-hour virtual session where we cover your pre-course checklist and skills including Professional Values; Evidence Based Practice; Administration of Inhaled Medication (AIM); Bowel Assessment; Fluid Balance; Mid-stream Specimen of Urine (MSU) and Urinalysis; Nutritional Assessment; Oral Care Plan; Pain assessment; Peak Flow; Pressure Area Assessment and Wound Assessment.
  • Day 1 in-person: APIE and all Documentation.
  • Day 2 in-person: Skills including Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT); Catheter Specimen of Urine (CSU); Blood Glucose Monitoring; Fine-bore Nasogastric Tube Insertion; In-hospital Resuscitation (IHR); Intramuscular Injection (IM); Intravenous (IV) Flush and Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP); Removal of Urinary Catheter (RUC); Subcutaneous Injection (SC) and Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP).
  • Day 3 in-person: A full mock NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • PLUS Post-Course Zoom followup session.
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodies, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer and support post-course until the big day.


Book Course

NMC Adult OSCE 4 Days

  • Day 1: APIE, Documentation, Overview of the OSCE Exam.
  • Day 2: Skills including(but not limited to): ANTT; Basic Life Support; Peak Flow; Removal of Foley Catheter; CSU Sample and IM Injections. Plus,NEW: Insertion of fine-bore nasogastric tube; Intravenous flush and VIP assessment and Pressure area assessment.
  • Day 3: A full mock for the NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • Day 4: A chance to practice either APIE, Skills OR a second Mock Exam in a small group of usually 1:2 or 1:3. This date is chosen by you!
  • PLUS: Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice workshops.
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodie-bag received on Day 1, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer, support post-course.


Book Course

NMC Adult OSCE 5 Days

  • Day 1: APIE, Documentation, Overview of the OSCE Exam.
  • Day 2: Skills including: ANTT; In-Hospital Resuscitation; Peak Flow; Removal of Foley Catheter; CSU Sample and IM Injections. Plus,NEW: Insertion of fine-bore nasogastric tube; Intravenous flush and VIP assessment and Pressure area assessment.
  • Day 3: A full mock for the NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • Day 4:A chance to practice either APIE, Skills OR a second Mock Exam in a small group 1:2 or 1:3. This date is chosen by you!
  • Day 5:A chance to practice either APIE, Skills OR a second Mock Exam in a small group of usually 1:2 or 1:3. This date is chosen by you!
  • PLUS Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice workshops.
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodie-bag received on Day 1, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer, support post-course.


Book Course

NMC Adult OSCE 7 Days

  • Day 1 APIE: Welcome and pre-course book & portal access check. APIE, Documentation, Overview of the OSCE Exam.
  • Day 2 Skills: 1. Administration of Suppository
    2. Aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT)
    3. Blood glucose monitoring
    4. Catheter specimen of urine (CSU)
    5. Fine-bore nasogastric tube insertion
    6. In-hospital resuscitation (IHR)
  • Day 3 Skills: 1. Professional Values
    2. Evidence Based Practice
    3. Administration of Inhaled Medication (AIM)
    4. Bowel Assessment
    5. Fluid balance (FB)
    6. Mid-stream specimen of urine (MSU) and urinalysis
    7. Nutritional assessment
    8. Oral Care Plan
    9. Pain assessment
    10. Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)
    11. Pressure area assessment
    12. Wound assessment
  • Day 4 Skills: 1. Intramuscular injection (IM)
    2. Intravenous (IV) flush and visual infusion
    phlebitis (VIP)
    3. Nasopharyngeal Suctioning
    4. Oxygen therapy
    5. Removal of urinary catheter (RUC)
    6. Subcutaneous injection
  • Day 5:Full Mock Exam 1.
  • Day 6: Consolidation of APIE OR Skills.
  • Day 7 in-person: Full Mock Exam 2.


Book Course

NMC Mental Health OSCE 3.5-Day

  • Pre-course session: We start each NMC OSCE course with a 1-hour Zoom session where we cover your pre-course checklist and skills including Professional Values; Evidence Based Practice.
  • Day 1 in-person: APIE and all Documentation.
  • Day 2 in-person: Skills including De-escalation; Reminiscence; Physiological Observations; Talking Therapies; Administration of Suppositories and Nutritional Assessment.
  • Day 3 in-person: A full mock NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • PLUS Post-Course Zoom followup session.
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodies, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer and support post-course until the big day.


Book Course

NMC Mental Health OSCE 4-Day

  • Day 1: APIE, Documentation, Overview of the OSCE Exam.
  • Day 2: Skills including: De-escalation; Reminiscence; Physiological Observations; Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice; Talking Therapies; Administration of Suppositories; Nutritional Assessment
  • Day 3: A full mock for the NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • Day 4: A chance to practice either APIE, Skills OR a second Mock Exam in a small group of usually 1:2 or 1:3. This date is chosen by you!
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodie-bag received on Day 1, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer, support post-course.


Book Course

NMC Mental Health OSCE 5-Day

  • Day 1: APIE, Documentation, Overview of the OSCE Exam.
  • Day 2: Skills including: Administration of Suppositories; De-escalation; Nutritional Assessment; Reminiscence; Physiological Observations; Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice; Talking Therapies
  • Day 3: A full mock for the NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • Day 4:A chance to practice either APIE or Skills.
  • Day 5: A second Mock Exam in a small group of usually1:2 or 1:3. 
  • PLUS Group session to cover Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice stations.
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodie-bag received on Day 1, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer, support post-course.


Book Course

NMC Mental Health OSCE 7 Days

  • Day 1 APIE: Welcome and pre-course book & portal access check. APIE, Documentation, Overview of the OSCE Exam.
  • Day 2 Skills: including: Administration of Suppositories; De-escalation; Nutritional Assessment; Reminiscence; Physiological Observations; Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice; Talking Therapies.
  • Day 3 Skills: more practice on Administration of Suppositories; Physiological Observations; Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice; Talking Therapies
  • Day 4 Skills: more practice on Talking Therapies; Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice.
  • Day 5:Full Mock Exam 1
  • Day 6: Consolidation of APIE OR Skills. 
  • Day 7 in-person: Full Mock Exam 2


Book Course

Nursing Associate OSCE - 3 Days

  • Day 1: AIE
  • Day 2: Skills including: A to E Assessment of a Deteriorating Patient; Administration of medication; Blood glucose; Catheter specimen of urine (CSU); Mid-stream specimen of urine (MSSU) & Urinalysis; Fluid balance; Gaining informed consent; Hospital admission; Inhaled medication and peak flow measurement; Intramuscular injection; Pain assessment; Physiological observations; Pressure area assessment; Subcutaneous injection.
  • Day 3: includes: A full mock NMC OSCE exam with individual feedback. Extras: Pre course pack with revision videos; NMC OSCE goodie pack on day 1; Whatsapp support group.


Book Course

NMC Children's OSCE 3.5-Day

  • Pre-course session: We start each NMC OSCE course with a 4-hour Zoom session where we cover your pre-course checklist and skills including Professional Values; Evidence Based Practice; Administration of Inhaled Medication (AIM) and Peak Flow (PEFR).
  • Day 1 in-person: APIE and all Documentation.
  • Day 2 in-person: Skills including Basic Life Support (BLS); Blood Glucose Monitoring; Fine-bore Nasogastric Tube Insertion; Removal of Urinary Catheter (RUC) and Subcutaneous Injection (SC).
  • Day 3 in-person: A full mock NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • PLUS Post-Course Zoom followup session.
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodies, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer and support post-course until the big day.


Book Course

NMC Childrens OSCE 5-Day

  • Day 1: APIE, Documentation, Overview of the OSCE Exam.
  • Day 2: Skills including: Administration of Inhaled Medication; Basic Life Support; Blood Glucose Monitoring; Fine-bore Nasogastric Tube Insertion; Nasopharyngeal Suctioning; Oxygen Therapy; Peak Expiratory Flow Rate; Removal of Urinary Catheter; Subcutaneous Injection; Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice
  • Day 3: A full mock for the NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • Day 4:A chance to practice either APIE, Skills OR a second Mock Exam in a small group 1:2 or 1:3. This date is chosen by you!
  • Day 5:A chance to practice either APIE, Skills OR a second Mock Exam in a small group of usually 1:2 or 1:3. This date is chosen by you!
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodie-bag received on Day 1, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer, support post-course.


Book Course

NMC Learning Disability OSCE 3.5-Day

  • Pre-course session: We start each NMC OSCE course with a 1-hour Zoom session where we cover your pre-course checklist and skills including Professional Values; Evidence Based Practice.
  • Day 1 in-person: APIE and all Documentation.
  • Day 2 in-person: Skills including De-escalation; Reminiscence; Physiological Observations; Talking Therapies; Administration of Suppositories and Nutritional Assessment.
  • Day 3 in-person: A full mock NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • PLUS Post-Course Zoom followup session.
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodies, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer and support post-course until the big day.


Book Course

NMC Learning Disability OSCE 5-Day

  • Day 1: APIE, Documentation, Overview of the OSCE Exam.
  • Day 2: Skills including: Administration of Suppository; De-Escalation; Intramuscular Injection; Nutritional Assessment; Pain Assessment; Physiological Observations; Talking Therapies; Professional Values & Evidence Based Practice
  • Day 3: A full mock for the NMC OSCE exam with group feedback.
  • Day 4:A chance to practice either APIE, Skills OR a second Mock Exam in a small group 1:2 or 1:3. This date is chosen by you!
  • Day 5:A chance to practice either APIE, Skills OR a second Mock Exam in a small group of usually 1:2 or 1:3. This date is chosen by you!
  • Extras: OSCE textbook provided before your course, OSCE goodie-bag received on Day 1, premium access to our OSCE app, full access to our brand-NEW student portal, WhatsApp support group with an OSCE Trainer, support post-course.


Book Course

NMC OSCE Flex® + NEW Stations

  • High quality NMC OSCE training across 4 weeks.
  • 2 x In-person days at the start featuring APIE and 8 of the following NMC OSCE skills: Aseptic Non-Touch Technique; Blood Glucose Monitoring; Catheter Specimen of Urine; Fine-bore Nasogastric Tube Insertion; Intramuscular Injection (IM); Intravenous (IV) Flush and Visual Infusion Phlebitis; Oxygen Therapy; Removal of Urinary Catheter and Subcutaneous Injection (SC)
  • 1 x Virtual half day session in between featuring check in and 8 of the following NMC OSCE skills: Administration of Suppository; Bowel Assessment; Fluid Balance; Mid- stream sample of Urine; Nutritional Assessment; Oral Care Plan; Pain Assessment; Peak Expiratory Flow Rate.
  • 1 x Virtual post-course session.
  • Instant online access (videos, quizzes and jobs) from registration. months’ access to video course
  • Includes Precourse Book posted on registration.


Book Course

NMC OSCE Return to Practice Course - 3 Day

  • NMC OSCE Return to Practice Course - 3 Day


Book Course

NMC OSCE Return to Practice Course - 4 Day

  • NMC OSCE Return to Practice Course - 4 Day


Book Course

NMC OSCE Return to Practice Course - 5 Day

  • NMC OSCE Return to Practice Course - 5 Day


Book Course

All Inclusive Packages



Accommodation is usually £101
Meals are usually £29.80

  • NMC Adult OSCE 5 Days
  • Accommodation
  • All Meals

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Accommodation is usually £101
Meals are usually £29.80

  • NMC Mental Health OSCE 5-Day
  • Accommodation
  • All Meals

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Accommodation is usually £101
Meals are usually £29.80

  • NMC Adult OSCE 7 Days
  • Accommodation
  • All Meals

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Accommodation is usually £101
Meals are usually £29.80

  • NMC Mental Health OSCE 7 Days
  • Accommodation
  • All Meals

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Ogechi is getting ready to pass their exam!         Narmada is getting ready to pass their exam!         Kavitha is getting ready to pass their exam!         Cho is getting ready to pass their exam!         Rachel is getting ready to pass their exam!         Mariamma is getting ready to pass their exam!         Isobel is getting ready to pass their exam!         Serina is getting ready to pass their exam!         Tammy is getting ready to pass their exam!         Choy is getting ready to pass their exam!         Kumrie is getting ready to pass their exam!        

Joseph on Manchester Courses

Nurse E Cnj, Qualified in Albania

I graduated in 2014 in Albania as a general nurse , but since then I never got to practice nursing profession as I’ve been working as a manager in a law office for immigration branch . In June 2022 I joined 1 week course at this centre and I couldn’t believe myself for gaining confidence and smashing it on passing OSCE VERY QUICK . I recommend this centre because they’re very professional and go beyond the line just to give that reassurance we need ! I absolutely recommend this place.

Nurse E Cnj, Qualified in Albania

Mental Health Nurse Henry, Qualified in Ghana

Nonny Is a great teacher Ielts medical is worth the money and time They will help till you are successful.

Mental Health Nurse Henry, Qualified in Ghana

Hi, I'm Caroline, and I'd just like to say that I found the OSCE course absolutely amazing. It gave me a lot of insight and background that I didn't have before, and I honestly don't think I could pass the OSCE examination if I hadn't come on this course. So I would certainly recommend it to anybody who's doing an OSCE exam.
- >Nurse Caroline, Qualified in the USA.

Nurse Caroline, Qualified in the USA
Nurse Tawiah, Qualified in Ghana.

Being a pre registered nurse in UK yet to take the OSCE meant adapting to the NMC UK standards of care- fast! I am grateful to Jehovah Almighty for this pass.
I am also thankful to IELTS medical for the intense 3 day training. The course instilled in me the confidence I needed to further study on my own, apply what I learnt on the unit and utmost importance, prepared me for the exams.

Nurse Tawiah, Qualified in Ghana

Hi, my name is Jaibel and I would just like to say that coming here to the course really helped me gain confidence to take my exam, especially practicing with the equipment and materials. It feels like I am at the OSCE center taking my exam.
- Nurse Jaibel, Qualified in the Philippines

Nurse Jaibel, Qualified in the Philippines
Nurse Manju, Qualified in India

I passed my OSCE exam today and all the credit goes to the IELTS Medical centre. I would like to give a big thanks to Claire who guided me so well through the journey to the OSCE exam.

Nurse Manju, Qualified in India

Hi, I'm Hemlata and I am here for OSCE practice. And I think it's really helpful, like I got a picture how exam is going to be. And the instructors, they were very helpful and they gave us feedback, I think which was very important at this moment. And then, yeah, and the mock test was really helpful. It shows us like where to improve and where to get more ... yeah, focus on the preparation. It was really helpful. Yeah, and we got to keep practice kit as a gift, which was very good and yeah, thank you.
- Nurse Hemlata, Qualified in Nepal

Nurse Hemlata, Qualified in Nepal
Nurse Megan, Qualified in Australia

Just to let you know I sat the OSCE yesterday at Ulster and passed! Such a relief. Thanks for your support during the course and can you pass my thanks on to Rhiannon for her great teaching as well. All the best

Nurse Megan, Qualified in Australia

Hi, my name is Kranti. Choosing this institute for my practice was one of my best decision for my OSCE, which is a very important to pursue my nursing career here. And yeah, like my friend said, mock exam is very good, including the course where our each query was answered and addressed properly and then the confusion was all cleared. And the mock exam give us a chance to reflect on what are the weakness that we have to improve and the area that we can do better, and then what we can learn more for our exam. It was really helpful.
- Nurse Kranti, Qualified in India.

Nurse Kranti, Qualified in India.

The course is very informative and helpful. I would recommend it to my friends who will take the OSCE. I want to thank Claire specially for helping me pass my OSCE with confidence.

Nurse Janice, Qualified in the Philippines

Nurse Pramila, Qualified in India

It was my best decision to join IELTS Medical for OSCE preparation. I received continuous support throughout the programme and successfully passed in one attempt. Thank you Claire, Nonny and the team.

Nurse Pramila, Qualified in India

Nurse Jordan, Qualified in the USA

I couldn't have impagine passing the OSCE without taking this class. The instructor was professional, informative and encouraging. I took the OSCE one day after completing this class, and passed on my first try. Thank you Claire and Nonny for helping me on my professional journey.

Nurse Jordan, Qualified in the USA

Hello, my name is Sara and I’m one of the students here in IELTS Medical Centre. I did my OSCE preparation course over here and I did 4-days course, which was very helpful for me to prepare for the examination and I don’t think I would be able to pass the exam on my first attempt if I wouldn’t do this training. What can I say? The training over here, it was really very helpful. It just boosts my confidence levels. I would just suggest others as well to just make a wise decision. If you really want to pass your OSCE on your first attempt then this is the place guys and you will learn the skills here. You will find a friend where you can actually demonstrate the skills. And that’s it.
- Nurse Sara, Qualified in Nepal.

Nurse Sara, Qualified in Nepal
 Nurse Sunila, Qualified in India

Choosing the IELTS Medical was no doubt one of the best decisions I made in my life! I passed my Osce on my first attempt!!
This 3-day intensive course I did with them was just brilliant!! All thanks to Nonny and Claire!!

Nurse Sunila, Qualified in India

Nurse Davidson, Qualified in the Philippines

I took the 3 days OSCE nursing course with ielts medical. The trainer Claire was amazing. She helped me throughout the course and answered all my queries in regard to the exams. Whoever take the training And follow all the information given will definitely pass their Osce.
I strongly recommend people to take the course with ielts medical.
Big thank you to Nonny😃 for the support.

Nurse Davidson, Qualified in the Philippines

Nurse Julia, Qualified in Australia

I would have had no idea without IELTS! Passed first time with their guidance. Would 100% recommend!

Nurse Julia, Qualified in Australia

Nurse Lorna, Qualified in the South Africa

I am so grateful for the support from the IELTS team. The course covered all aspects of the exam and the staff went above and beyond my expectations. A big thanks to Nonny, Rhiannon and the team.

Nurse Lorna, Qualified in South Africa

Nurse Breena, Qualified in the USA

ILETS Medical truly helped me pass the OSCE. I highly recommend for any overseas nurse to take a course before sitting for your OSCE no matter where you are coming from! I am a USA nurse and wouldn’t have passed without the help of Nonny (she’s excellent). After taking a prep course here you will sit for your OSCE knowing exactly what is expected of you.

Children's Nurse Breena, Qualified in the USA

Nurse Chelsea, Qualified in New Zealand

Just found out I passed my exam!! I couldn't have done it without you guys. Thanks so much. Please send my thanks to the others.

Nurse Chelsea, Qualified in New Zealand

Nurse Dawn, Qualified in the USA

Could not have passed without the help of IELTS!! Informative and supportive, incredible staff!

Nurse Dawn, Qualified in the USA

OSCE Premium Online Course
OSCE Premium Online Course

This Course Includes

  • The Ultimate Guide to the NMC OSCE textbook
  • OSCE Practice Pack
  • 2 x 3 hour Zoom voucher with OSCE Educators
  • Let's Talk OSCE App Game
  • 14-Day Learner's Portal Access

Fee: £412.71

Taken the NMC OSCE exam before?     Yes     No



We advise that you allow at least one week between the course and your exam in order for you to ask any questions that you have of your trainers and for you to practice.
Yes, this is a service that we provide to our course attendees only. Please note that we charge a small £20 admin fee for this service. If you would like us to book your exam, please request this via your Learner's Portal.
Yes you can. If you have booked a 4 or 5 day course, you can schedule your 4th and/or 5th days closer to your exam and request a mock exam on this day. Nurses who have done this have found this very helpful. If you have taken a 3-day course with us, we offer a second mock exam as an additional service. You can request this by calling (02036376722) or emailing the Nurses Support Team.
Yes, you can book accommodation through us (private, self catering accommodation) or there are plenty of budget hotels around the corner from the Centre on Sussex Gardens.
We provide light refreshments during the course and there's a kitchen (including: fridge & microwave) right next to the training room. We're just off Edgware Road, so there's plenty of food places that are just minutes walk from the Centre.
Yes - parking that is minutes away from the centre costs £12.50 a day.
Yes it's true*
* Terms and Conditions apply :)
Yes, it is. This is a BRAND NEW service for 2021. At your request, we can record your NMC OSCE mock exam and provide it to you on a disc, in the cloud or on your phone. Ask your Nursing and Midwifery Team about this service.
Yes! We're delighted to welcome our trained OSCE live actors back onto our courses. You will be obtaining their observations in person and live, just like in the real exam.
It's 1 Burwood Place, London, W2 2UT Closest stations: Edgware Road (Circle & District line) (7 mins); Edgware Road (Bakerloo line) (8 mins walk); Marble Arch (9 mins walk); Paddington (12 mins walk); Lancaster Gate (13 mins walk)

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